Relaxy times©

2021 - Current

Relaxy times©

La Feria

FMP 2020 -2021

The Feria is a week full of tradition, pride, culture and fun for all of the national Spanish people. Each feria takes place in every different area of Spain at a different time, making sure that people can experience it more than once a year. The Feria consists of a week of dressed locals in traditional Cordoba outfits, the cavalry and their horses during the cabalgata, the overall crowd who carries the religious holy Mary and Jesus to church for kilometres long by foot and the drinking, dancing in the Casetas for both young and old.

This time it’s my turn to translate the joy that is experienced when I return to my Spanish home and its familiarities. I feel like this time I’m playing a role as a mediterranean self and my collection will serve as story line for this play.


Rust Dyeing